Hi there,
Am having trouble with sending my email. It is different than most emails as it is mobile optimised, so when viewing on a phone it uses css at the top (which has always worked) and displays the contents differently.
It seems that when I make it in the template design studio then send as a test it works perfectly, however I don't want to create it as a template so I create it as a 'New Local Asset > Email' and then add it same way and it breaks and doesn't work as a mobile optimised email. This is whether I send a test or send it in a campaign.
Can anybody help me?
Also, I have tried styling the unsubscribe which is found in the admin section but when I send a test through it seems to add a 20px to the top between my email and the admin bit of the email. The reason I don't want this, is because our emails have a background colour of grey, and thus I can just see a 20px white in between the two that we don't want.
Thank you for your help.