Multiple wait steps - duration followed by date

Not applicable

Multiple wait steps - duration followed by date

I'm intending to start a set of emails going this week.  The flow is email 1, wait till 6th Jan, email 2, wait 1 week, email 3.  If they click the link in either of these three emails it drops out to another campaign which I want to wait 1 week but no earlier than 6th Jan, email 5, wait 1 week, email 6.

In the second campaign (those that have clicked the link from email 1, 2 or 3) I have put in a 1 week duration wait step followed by a 6th Jan date wait step. I want to make sure that those clicking wait at least 1 week + it doesn't send before 6th Jan (to avoid Xmas break).  Those that click later just wait 1 week and it bypasses the 6th Jan wait step as it has already passed.

Will this work or will it cause problems?

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Re: Multiple wait steps - duration followed by date

Hi Michelle,

The following resources may help you :

Wait Step for Past Date (Combining Wait Step for Date + Duration)

What happens if a lead enters a fixed end date wait step after the end?

To make a long story short, if you set a wait with a end fixed date and this date is passed, this wait step is just skipped.
