Many times we have people we wish to register for an event, we already know who they are, send them a lovely invite and ask them to register. The people come to Marketo landing page with the Marketo form and the register. The person is really nice and/or they are an admin assistant and they have been asked to register multiple people for the event. That's great, so of they go and fill out the form 10 more times.
What are the options?
1. Block field updates - The form accepts the submission, the user thinks they have registered more people but nothing gets updated. They do it several times, think they are done but none of the additional folks are registered.
2. Block the submit button from being clicked multiple times - The user uses the back button in the browser and the button. Maybe close an open the browser again and the user can sumbit once more time again.
3. Use dynamic content to hide the form - Can show a registration confirmation which is nice, but the users wants to register somebody esle. Could provide instructions, to update the email address, but the control needs to be in the form/page.
There's solutions for each of the above in discussions and help articles, but have not found a solution for the use case:
"As the user I will out the form for myslef and I will register other people as well."
So far no solution from Marketo that addresses this. Anybody else been able to get this fucntionality using native Marketo landing pages and forms?
Thank you