Merging records in Dynamics

Level 1

Merging records in Dynamics

We're currently managing a project to merge orphaned records in Marketo within Dynamics. The merge rules and process are set up and managed in Dynamics, and until recently, everything was functioning as expected. However, we've noticed the Possible Duplicates list in Marketo growing exponentially, indicating that the merge process is no longer working correctly.

We conducted tests in both Sandbox and Production environments:

Sandbox Testing:
  1. A test record in Marketo was sent to Dynamics with SyncToMkto set to TRUE.
  2. The Marketo record merged with existing Dynamics records, both marked with SyncToMkto as TRUE.
  3. The Marketo record was then set to Inactive in Dynamics and deleted from the database.
  4. In Marketo, both the Marketo and Dynamics Contacts existed. After a few minutes, only the Dynamics Contact remained.
  5. The deleted Marketo Contact was not passed back to the database in Marketo.

Production Testing:
  1. A test record in Marketo was sent to Dynamics with SyncToMkto set to TRUE.
  2. The Marketo record merged with existing Dynamics records, both marked with SyncToMkto as TRUE.
  3. However, no update or merge was recorded in Marketo.
Result: FAIL

It appears the merge process is working in Dynamics, but the updates are not syncing back to Marketo. Our CRM admin claims no updates have occurred in Production that would cause this issue. Has anyone encountered this problem or something similar?
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