Does Marketo merge cookies? Can a lead have multiple cookies? Here's a scenario below to better explain:
1. A user browses our website for a couple weeks. There's an anonymous lead in Marketo with weeks worth of web activity.
2. Weeks later, the same user installs our app on the AppExchange, and as a result, a lead is created* in Salesforce and subsequently synced to Marketo.
3. We send an email to the lead that came from the AppExchange, he/she clicks a link in the email and visits our web page. They're cookied and web activity is logged.
Is that anonymous lead from weeks ago automatically merged with the lead from the AppExchange?
*Note: In order to install an app on the AppExchange the user must be logged into the AppExchange, so, when they install the app, the AppExchange automatically adds a lead record to our Salesforce org with their contact info.