Marketo server and landing pages

Not applicable

Marketo server and landing pages

What happens if Marketo's server goes down and you have campaigns running with a Marketo landing page? is there any notification if the server goes down?

I haven't had any issues -- I'm a new user -- but just wanted to check. 
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Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Marketo server and landing pages

Hi David,

I've been a user for about a year now and have not encounterd any issues with Marketo up-time (hopefully I'm not jinxing anything by saying this). However, if the systems were down I believe they would notify all Marketo users with a login of the issue and any visitors to your landing pages would be directed to the fallback page you selected in Admin.

If you want to view Marketo's online status, you can view that here:

Not applicable

Re: Marketo server and landing pages

I've used Marketo for about 4 years across different systems and have never encountered this issue. When the servers have been down, I've just experienced things slowing down but not being completely down. 
Level 10

Re: Marketo server and landing pages

I think there were one or two instances where we were notified in advance that landing pages might be unavailable during some changeovers (at a reasonable, late hour so traffic was low), and visitors would be directed to our fallback page as Val said.