Very nice format, want to see more!
We really appreciate the information on Bizible. Continual improvement on reporting and metrics is big for us, so it's nice to see what our options are. #bznmug
Love the story and the info on Bizible! Would love to see some screenshots of the reports behind the story! Keep it up! #BZNMUG
Continued updates on the development of Sky and the full release date once it's known would be helpful. Additionally, training resources and tips and tricks for maximizing Sky! #ChiMUG would be awesome #AustinUserGroup #AusMUG Austin User Group
Would love to hear more and more about .AI advances in Marketo and the surrounding ecosystem. What happened to Needs to be more content out there ( no pun intended ) on and the overall .ai vision.
It would be awesome to hear more about the roadmap with Marketo Sky, some of the anticipated changes and how it would make a better environment compared to the preexisting UX. I am concerned that in the pursuit of creating a simple interface for a complex system that it will make advanced functionality less accessible to those that desire it. #ausmug #austinusergroup -- please and thank you!! austinusergroup ausmug Austin User Group
I would love to hear more about Content ai. I think it's a gamechanger to have such an intuitive system. It would be great to hear more about how it can help further automate our marketo instance. #ausmug #austinusergroup Austin User Group
A deep dive into the new Engagement Program functionality in Sky would be awesome! I am looking forward to some of those updates! Good stuff about Bizible too. #nymug