Marketo CRM Integration with Twitter Lead Gen Advertising

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Marketo CRM Integration with Twitter Lead Gen Advertising

Does Twitter still offer CRM integration with Marketo for Twitter's lead gen advertising campaigns?

There is nothing that makes me think that it doesn't, yet Twitter advertising does not include a Techincal Settings section where the Marketo account settings would typically be set. 

Thanks in advance!


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Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Marketo CRM Integration with Twitter Lead Gen Advertising

Hi Andrea,

I believe the information you are looking for about Twitter Lead Generation cards can be found here: Twitter Lead Generation for Marketo

Also - the Technical Settings setup can be found here and on Twitter Help Center.
Level 10

Re: Marketo CRM Integration with Twitter Lead Gen Advertising

Twitter is sunsetting the Lead Gen Card on 1/10/2017. It's been down for months already due to a bug on the Twitter side. Now they're shutting it down entirely.