Marketing Funnel Reporting - MKTO & SFDC

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Marketing Funnel Reporting - MKTO & SFDC

Hi all, We have RCA/Revenue Explorer, Success path analyzer, as well as SFDC. Our VP of Marketing has been reporting basic marketing funnel metrics to our leadership team for quite some time; however, it's a very manual process in Excel after analyzing several different reports from MKTO and SFDC. For whatever reason, he/we are struggling to get the information to match between MKTO and SFDC and it's a mess to get this information which should be basic funnel info!!! There has to be a better solution! I have some great reports built in Revenue Explorer...however the reports can only be as good as the data. And the data can only be as good as the human entering it. Some of our issues reside in our sales directors entering information incorreclty, despite many safeguards. It baffles me why the systems don't match up as they should. It has to be the way the systems report differently.

Here is the type of information we're looking for below -- what have you done to report on this info? I am not in a place where our VP is considering getting rid of RCA as he doesn't see the value in it. I don't think that's our solution...please help! This may be too hard of a question to answer with not seeing our data...but any direction or help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!!

Wants quarterly breakdown of:
Total Qualified Leads
How many of those converted to a first meeting (what we call the sales qualified lead/first appointment) (# and %)
How many of those converted to an opportunity (# and %)
How many of those converted to a win/customer (# and %)
How many opportunities are still open (# and %)
How many opportunities did we lose to a competitor (lost) or weren't ready (flush) (# and %)
Not applicable

Re: Marketing Funnel Reporting - MKTO & SFDC

Hi Joy,

I've struggled with this same question and also found that though it sounds like a deceptively simple problem, in reality it's not simple to pull off well.

There is definitely a way to do this well with RCA - and I wonder why you're not able to get those insight using RCA. All of the questions you asked are covered in the main RCA dashboard:

Why is it not working you?

The way that I solve this myself is by doing this in by add the following simple workflow rules:
  • Date stamp each of the funnel stages (Qualified, SQL, etc)
  • Create a new check-box field for each of the stages and in addition to the date stamp above, check this box for each stage as leads go through it.
  • Create the same fields on the Opp record and make sure to map them from lead to opp.
You can then create reports that look like this for all of the stage-to-stage progressions:

You can even subtract your dates to get # of days it takes to go from one stage to the next, etc...

Hope that helps!


Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Marketing Funnel Reporting - MKTO & SFDC

Isn't this overkill if you've setup your lead lifecycle/revenue model properly?  From what I understood, Marketo date stamps this activity behind the scenes as leads progress along the lead lifecycle.

We too are having challenges getting the proper information out of Marketo to share with our company leadership.  For example, with multi-touch attribution, success must happen before an opportunity is created to get pipeline credit.  However, much of our activity involves influencing/progressing EXISTING opportunities.  One of our key metrics is “Marketing Influenced” opportunities (not Marketing generated).  We are constantly attaching MQLs to existing opportunities in CRM.  So our challenge is ensuring Marketing is getting proper credit for influencing those opportunities.  I was under the assumption that as long as we attach the contact record that originated from the lead in Marketo, Marketo would properly identify this as an influenced opportunity and continue to track the progression of that lead all the way to closed-won or closed-lost. 
Not applicable

Re: Marketing Funnel Reporting - MKTO & SFDC

We are also having similar problems. It doesn't seem our transitions in our Model are working. When we set up normal trigger campaigns with the exact same parameters as the Model supposedly is using, those campaigns work while most of the time the Model ones do nothing. It is so frustrating!

I don't know what to do. The logical explanation would be that our trigger campaigns in the Model aren't set up right, but that doesn't seem to be the case since normal campaigns that are identical to the ones we put in the Model actually work.

Any ideas are more than welcome. I feel stuck and don't know how to move forward.