Make me feel better / Share your mistakes

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Re: Make me feel better / Share your mistakes

Awesome stories! I feel compelled to air my dirty laundry but my stories are kind of lackluster. It is reassuring to know that everyone has felt that unsettling sting when you know you did something wrong. The funny thing is that, in most cases, we are the only ones who would notice within our organizations that something was wrong. We are a hypercritical bunch and I kind of like that. 

Obsessive compulsives unite!
Level 10

Re: Make me feel better / Share your mistakes

one of my French colleagues sent an email (in French) to US & UK leads. What was funny is that people answered saying "no hablo espanol" (!), tried to remember the French their took at school. I even get to learn a new expression "do I look Kermit to you?" 🙂

Level 9 - Champion Alumni

Re: Make me feel better / Share your mistakes

I'm sure I can help make you feel better. Just last year, my first mistake in a really long time... I set up my campaign to go to a list of our clients with an email directing them to a landing page with a form. When someone submits the form, we have an internal email that starts with "Alert" in the subject line so that it can be easily recognized by our inside sales group. That email also prepopulates with some data from SFDC such as contact name, email and company.

So, when I sent the email out to about 25000 of our customers, I picked the alert email to go out instead of the promotional email! 

I guess the good news is that the alert email did generate quite a few people letting us know that contacts were no longer at their agency so we were able to clean up our database and add new contacts from them. However, to this day, I still check which email I am picking about 500 times before hitting that send button!
Level 10

Re: Make me feel better / Share your mistakes

Ugh I have my share of butter fingers and my eyes not connecting with my brain. I sent a newsletter to a group of 4500 people, but I sent the previous month's version of the email. 

How about I sent an email with the wrong date after 3 people proof read it. 

I set up the wrong progression status for a promotional campaign.  What a mess. 
Level 4

Re: Make me feel better / Share your mistakes

Mine isn't funny at all, but I get into trouble sometimes with cloning.  People registering for a webinar (webex event integration) were getting a confirmation email from an old webinar 3 months prior.  Embarassing and not easily fixed, but had to manually register everyone.
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Re: Make me feel better / Share your mistakes

Reading these makes me feel SO much better - I'm glad to know other people have occasional "OH NO" moments.  I recently sent out an email reminder for a webinar that was supposed to be later that same day. Instead the reminder was for a webinar that took place 3 months prior! OOPS. On the upside, it proved that people DO read these emails since we were flooded with replies, some angry, some funny, including requests to be put in a time machine. I promptly sent out a correction and all was well. Not a huge disaster but reminded me once again to double and triple check all my flow steps. I also have a sign on my desk that says "Keep Calm and Re-Check Your Smart List" as a result of some other "OH NO" problems in the past.
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Re: Make me feel better / Share your mistakes

At my old company, we sent out an email (salesy looking) and used the first name token. The list provided was incorrect and everyone got emails with the wrong first name!! (Luckily it was a pretty small list)
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Re: Make me feel better / Share your mistakes

On Friday I wasn't paying attention and updated 3600 lead source details with an Industry. As you know, there's no undo. So for the past 2 days I've been individually looking up each lead who was changed, seeing what their lead source detail was, and seeing if any other people had the same detail and changing them all at once. It's probably taken me a full working day to fix this mistake. EEP!
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Re: Make me feel better / Share your mistakes

Good timing Adam!  That's what weekends were made for ;0)  I export all of our Marketo records each month to help mitigate inadvertent corruption like that, but the export takes hours and we have less than 100K records.  Do you export your records? 

In the Best Practice to Backup Marketo Lead Database discussion over a year ago, Jep indicates the only way to do this is to export, but due to the slow performance, you should only export 40K records at a time.  I would think that Marketo would have there a quicker/better way to get a backup on their roadmap at least.  Does anyone know?
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Re: Make me feel better / Share your mistakes

Bah, Friday + Monday does not equal a weekend. hahaha

I download my entire database as a backup once a month. I have a reoccuring appointment every 15th of the month to remind me to do a complete export.