Re: make a token that says what form a lead filled out

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make a token that says what form a lead filled out

I am making a general email alert that gets sent to me every time someone fills out a form.

In that alert, beyond the typical tokens, I also want to include which form it was that they filled out. 

For example, was it the ebook form, the contact us form, the more info on X feature form...

There isn't an existing token for this, and I don't really understand how the token creation gets linked to a piece of data, so how can I create this?


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Level 3

Re: make a token that says what form a lead filled out

See if this helps you
(Tokens for Interesting Moments)

Fills Out Form Trigger Name {{trigger.Trigger Name}}
  Name (Form Name) {{trigger.Name}}
  Web Page {{trigger.Web Page}}
  Client IP Address {{trigger.Client IP Address}}
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Re: make a token that says what form a lead filled out

Hey Miro,

You can use the following token to pull in the form name: Filled Out Form: {{trigger.Name}} on {{trigger.Web Page}}

This will show like such:

Level 2

Re: make a token that says what form a lead filled out

I want to do the same thing as Miro above. I have created a email to be sent to myself when one of 10 forms are filled out. In the email text, i added the token like this : 
This email is to inform you that your client has filled in a form to register for {{lead.Which Form Filled Out:default=edit me}}
But every time I test it, no form name is given. It's just blank : 
"...your client has filledin a form to register for "
I have a feeling I'm missing a step somewhere, but the "Tokens for Interesting Moments" article makes absolutely no sense to me. 
Not applicable

Re: make a token that says what form a lead filled out

Kasia - you may want to include a wait step into your flow.  Maybe wait 5-10 minutes prior to sending the alert
Level 2

Re: make a token that says what form a lead filled out

Thanks for the suggestion Travis - I added a 10 minute wait step.. the wait part worked.. but my email still doesn't show the name of the form.
Marketo Employee

Re: make a token that says what form a lead filled out

Hi Kasia,

{{trigger.Name}} will pull the name of the form which was filled out to trigger the campaign.  This pulls direct from the context of the trigger, though so it is important that you are using the Fills Out Form trigger.  If the trigger event is different, it will populate the name of the triggering asset for the campaign.