Just curious if anyone else is experiencing delays in leads coming into MKTO and MKTO taking hours for programs to fire to auto-fill fields and sync to SFDC. We found one lead that took four hours before the first program fired and then 12 hrs before the next rule fired. the rules should have fired as soon as the lead came into MKTO. It's not acceptable to wait 16 hrs for a lead to make it's way into SFDC after 16hrs.
This happened to us earlier this week: None of our trigger campaigns are firing - anyone else experiencing this? While it appeared that none of our trigger campaigns were firing, it was instead a very long delay (in our case, it was about a 6 hour delay - but that was as a result of Marketo doing something on our backend to resolve the issue).
thanks for your comments. I working with MKTO support on this now. Maybe it's related to trigger delay that took place on Aug. 15th.