Re: Lock email width?

Level 2

Lock email width?

Is there any way to lock the width of an email? I'm in the process of creating my first one, and in my tests, as you widen the email viewer, the text lines widen and the image moves to the right side of the viewer (it's right justified). Is there any way to lock the position of text boxes and images? Below is an example of what I mean; our template is set up with a certain width header image, but the text below and the footer images aren't locked.

Has anyone else found a solution to this?

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Re: Lock email width?

Better to use a template. 

You can create an email template (blank) with fixed width. Then, everytime you create a new email, you can use that template. 

I have many templates that I use according to the need but yes, I use fixed template so that, text/images stay fixed.

This should help:



Level 2

Re: Lock email width?

See, the thing is I used a template that was already set up for me with our Marketo consultant.

This problem only seems with Outlook though...
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Re: Lock email width?

Hi Sydney. As Syed said there should be a fixed width in the template. What you will find is that there are typically tables used in emails to contain the structure. In the top table you can set width=600px.  That will force everything below it to constrain to only 600px wide. That being said go into marketing activities & import program, and choose responsive email templates. Just start from one of those as they all have fixed widths. 
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Re: Lock email width?

Not sure if you have found the solution! Yes, using fixed width in the template and the outter table to be fixed should solve the problem.

Email looks different on different email-clients but this table based lock system should work.



Level 2

Re: Lock email width?

Thanks everyone,

I'll go back in and check out the email template.

In some email servers, it remails locked, but it stretches in Outlook.

I appreciate the help!