Load embedded form twice on the same webpage

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Re: Load embedded form twice on the same webpage

Saw it. Been trying to work with it, but I've got a slightly different customer base than you. Our base skews paranoid and upgrade-averse (only natural, we're a data security company, after all) and about 10% of our customers are on browsers before IE9, so lots of very useful things, such as .bind(), aren't supported for them (heck, a good chunk of Array, like .forEach() or .every() or .from(), when it comes to that, is dicey for me as well. MDN has a partial polyfill for it that I'm testing; so far seems to be holding up well.

(I kind of envy folks in other industries. A major bank here in town just recently rolled out a pilot project for upgrading their users to Windows 8, for example. Meanwhile I've gotten fairly adept at backporting code and locating polyfills. One reason why much of what I write looks old; that's a limitation I live with every day. I even see >3% of IE7 in the logs, fer cryin' out loud. It's challenging, sometimes fun; but testing takes me a lot longer than most, I'll wager.)

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Re: Load embedded form twice on the same webpage

And finished (I was in the middle of this when I came out here for a break last message). Dropping out the bind() and the forEach() because of having to service older browsers took more code, but still noticeably less than including the polyfills to replace the functionality.

The piece I was missing before I dug up your code sample on codepen late yesterday was the "set form ID, callback clears form ID" business. Aside from that, I *did* use a polyfill for .hasAttribute() to cover the 3% or so I still have there, but that was only 5-6 lines.