Re: Live Webinar and Recorded Webinar - Multiple Programs?

Not applicable

Live Webinar and Recorded Webinar - Multiple Programs?

Hi Friends!

I'm in need of your opinions around webinar programming. Here's the skinny:

We host a live webinar monthly. I build a Webinar Event program, connect it to GoToWebinar, set up a Registration Smart Campaign and an Update Campaign to update member statuses with Attended versus No Show when the webinar concludes. When the webinar concludes, we then host the recorded version on our website behind a gated landing page. What I have been doing thus far is building a 2nd program under the Website channel for the recorded version, with a Form Fill smart campaign as the trigger.

Here's my question: should I be keeping the live version and the recorded version all as one program, and updating statuses all in the same program? If so, how do you suggest programming this?

I would LOVE to hear your thoughts! Thanks in advance!

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Live Webinar and Recorded Webinar - Multiple Programs?

I keep them all under the same program, since it's the same piece of content. I use another status called "Attended On-Demand" that is also a success step (Attended = Success too). Then I have a smart campaign that says if someone goes to my recording page, they're status will change to Attended On Demand.


- Full view of one piece of content in one program, not split across two


- You can have people who are both attended and attended on demand, so if you're reporting in your webinar system and it says 25 people attended live. Your Marketo program could show 20 people in attended status because 5 attended then attended on demand.

Not applicable

Re: Live Webinar and Recorded Webinar - Multiple Programs?

Thanks Christina! How do you remedy your downside?

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: Live Webinar and Recorded Webinar - Multiple Programs?

It's an internal decision we made that for us it does not matter if they watch on demand or live, the only thing that matters if if they consume the content. If it's vital that you know, here are some options:

1) You want to know if it's live vs. on demand for reporting, but it doesn't matter in Marketo only in Salesforce

Have a parent campaign that houses all registrants/no shows/attendees, have a child campaign specifically for on demand, have a child campaign specifically for live attendance. Then someone can be in both live and one demand and you've captured that information.

2) You don't want to update someone in Marketo to OnDemand if they are already Attended, because you want to preserve their original "success" status. This is important for your reporting so that you can reconcile it against your webinar program's reporting for # of people who attended live. This is what I'd probably recommend for most people who are struggling with this.

You can have a step in your on demand smart campaign flow that says "If Program Status is Attended (Choice 1) , do nothing. Otherwise (default) change Program Status to On Demand". Then you can still have other processing steps like writing an interesting moment without overriding the original status.

Example: Jane Doe attended live and an interesting moment was written,her status is Attended. She then gets the follow up email with link to the video and watches on Demand. Although an interesting moment is written, her status does not change.