Leads with missing order numbers

Not applicable

Leads with missing order numbers

John Mattos

I am a programmer at PrintingForLess. We are a customer and partner. You have talked to Michael Running Wolf recently.

We are having trouble updating some leads for our customer Invoca. On 8/14 we created a batch of 500+ orders. On 8/24 we shipped those orders, and we believe all the data looked correct that day after the shipping information was updated in Marketo. Since then, however, a handful of the orders show a missing order number. A few examples are:

16842 John Kovac

17339 Eric Perry

17528 Rita Cidre

18268 Guy Weismantel

The campaign is "02 (For Batch Loading of People) Send Incentivized Demo Offer". Most of the orders still show an order number, and the lead update requests that we are sending are identical as far as I can tell, other than the lead ID and the order number, for the leads that show order numbers and those that do not.

Can you help me figure out if there is something we are doing wrong that would cause a few of the order numbers to go missing?

Thank you, David Noble

Marketo Employee

Re: Leads with missing order numbers

Hi David

Where is the order data stored? Whiny say the Order ID isn't there.. is that stored in Marketo (perhaps as a custom object or custom activity) ? Can you look at the leads activity history to see what values have been changed? Also, how are the leads being updated in Marketo? (List upload, REST API, etc)


Marketo Employee

Re: Leads with missing order numbers

Probably approach is to file a support ticket on something like this. They'll want more info (along the lines of what I asked above)

Not applicable

Re: Leads with missing order numbers

Thanks John. I will submit a support request.