Lead Tokens-Salutation

Not applicable

Lead Tokens-Salutation


Lead token i.e. First Name OR Last Name is not displaed after Salautation. 
Ex: Hello (lead.first name) doesn't displays Hello Rajiv it displays as Hello.

What's wrong? what should i do? Kindly help

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Level 10

Re: Lead Tokens-Salutation

Hi Rajiv,

This can happen if the token is deleted - a blank space appears at the place of tokens if we delete tokens. It may also be possible if you have clear cookies. For more, please refer this article regarding managing the tokens.

Hope this helps!
Not applicable

Re: Lead Tokens-Salutation

Hi Rajiv,
check out if:
- your lead really has their name in place in First Name field
- your token is written correctly (use the drop-down list of tokens in email editor)
- white space in your token was not automatically replaced with %20 when saving the email (this happens)

Basically, in my experience, most of the problems with tokens are caused by one of these troubles.
Marketo Employee

Re: Lead Tokens-Salutation

If you're sending a sample email, the tokens will not be able to populate unless you've got a default value or select a lead to pull details from.