Lead not properly removed from campaign

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Lead not properly removed from campaign

Hey Everyone,

I have a campaign setup that looks for all raw leads that have reached MQL status, but excludes leads whose SFDC Type is current client.

I recently had a lead that converted from not current client to current client on the 7th of October and was included in this campaign still on the 10th!

The only error I can think of that is happening is that this lead was added as a campaign member before the 7th (when they weren't yet a current client) and then they campaign ran on the 10th and hit them even though they should not have been included.

If a lead changes status while they are a member of a campaign but before it runs will they get removed from that campaign or not?


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Level 10

Re: Lead not properly removed from campaign

Hi Nathan, can you explain the campaign a little bit further? Is there a wait step that people go into? Or are they just added to the campaign and then anyone with a certain status is sent an email? By clarifying the campaign format, we can better determine why they weren't properly removed.
Not applicable

Re: Lead not properly removed from campaign

Hi Nathan, 

If this is a batch campaign then it should include the leads that meet the smart list criteria at the time that it runs. 

If this is a triggered campaign with a wait step, then I could see a scenario where the lead could enter the campaign, change status, and then still be a member for subsequent flow steps.

Once a lead has entered a campaign flow, later changes that may make them inelgibile for the campaign based on the smart list critieria will not automatically remove them. 

Another thing to look at: what type of field is "SFDC Type" in your instance? If it is a formula field, these do not by themselves trigger the Marketo-SFDC synch and so the formula could have updated in Salesforce but Marketo included the lead in the campaign based on older data. 

Not applicable

Re: Lead not properly removed from campaign

Thanks for the help Justin and Dory these were really helpful responses.

It is a batch campaign with a scheduled recurrence for once a week. At the time of the run, this lead's SFDC tpye was Current Client, which means they should not have been included but they were. It is a custom field but I can see in the lead's activity log that the field was updated on the 7th and the campaign was sent on the 9th so not sure how this could have happened!

I guess I will try to get support on the line to figure out what was going on because I am stumped. Thanks so much.