Lead Feed Emails

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Lead Feed Emails


Is it possible to customize the email alert received by Sales Execs who are subscribed to Sales Insight (Salesforce CRM)  lead feed emails relating to Interesting Moments?

For our other Sales alerts we use our company email templates and it would be great to be able to do this for lead feed alerts as well.

If anyone has any experience/ideas for this it would be great to hear your thoughts!

Thanks in advance 🙂


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Re: Lead Feed Emails

Hey Sarah,

What types of behaviors/interesting moments are you trying to alert your team about?

You can send alerts to Lead Owners, Account Owners, or anyone with a valid email address really. All customizable, so if you wanted to send a different alert to your execs, you can do this. Just need to make sure the alerts are triggered correctly.
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Re: Lead Feed Emails

Sarah - just wondering if you ever found a way to customize the Sales Insight "lead feed" alerts to your company? I'd like to do that too - getting a Marketo-branded alert isn't a great option. 
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Re: Lead Feed Emails

I have just posted a question (after that found this one) - I am also interested if there's an option to customize the RSS. Thank you.