Can someone tell me how you do a search based on Company Name.. ? The searches I am doing only return results based on name, job title or email address. I want to be able to search for a company name and the results returned show me everyone at that company....
Hi Alice Bevis,
You can do a smart list with the below filter:
You can use contains as well if needed.
Thanks for that. What about doing in the actual lead database rather than a smart list?
In Lead Database the account search is not at all good.
What i do is search the COMPANY Name directly and then sort them accordingly. so all the employees of that company groups together.
But i will suggest you to build a smart list.
In lead database search you have to start the search with [company] then type the company name you're searching for. Example, if you're looking for everyone at ABC Consulting, then you would type into the search; [company] ABC Consulting
From my experience, and as Ravi mentioned, the company name search in lead db isn't the greatest, So if you don't get the results you're looking for, try a smart list.