Last Interesting Moment Fields Aren't Populating

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Last Interesting Moment Fields Aren't Populating

I have an issue where after installing Sales Insight, the Last Interesting Moment Fields aren't getting updated, either in the Field displayed in the top section (which I dragged in from the layout screen) or in the list of interesting moments in the Insight section down further in the lead record.

The moments themselves are logged.  For example, if I look at the score tab, there is a score adjustment for web traffic, but that web traffic information isn't showing up in interesting moments.

Same with Email opens and clicks.

Thanks in advance for any help.
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Re: Last Interesting Moment Fields Aren't Populating

I'm having the same issue. Are you getting any SF sync errors? We see this in the contact activity log:

INVALID_FIELD_FOR_INSERT_UPDATE: Lead: bad field names on insert/update call: mkto_si__Last_Interesting_Moment_Type__c, mkto_si__Last_Interesting_Moment_Source__c\n

Luckily we've got a call with support tomorrow to see if we can get it cleared up.

Hope this helps
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Re: Last Interesting Moment Fields Aren't Populating

I'm having this issue and was wondering if you were able to find a resolution?