Re: Landing Page content Update Free form

Level 1

Landing Page content Update Free form

I'm trying to update the content of a free-form landing page. The URL I'm using is 



ex: /rest/asset/v1/landingPage/1865/content/1912.json

where 1865 is Landing page ID and 1912 is the content ID.


content type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded 


and body consists of : type=Image&value=13590



I'm getting an error code 709 and message : 

Operation is only allowed on draft landing page content
Can someone help me through
Level 3

Re: Landing Page content Update Free form

The interplay between templates and content can be complicated. Please submit a support case as that will allow us to look at the specifics of the template, existing content, the exact request and response etc.