Landing Page Analytics Source

Not applicable

Landing Page Analytics Source

How can I see where a visitor to my Marketo landing page came from? We will direct people to a landing page through email, and I can see how many people click through, but what about people landing there via a promo on our website or a social media posting?
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Re: Landing Page Analytics Source

One way is to create a Web Page report and use the smart list to filter for the particular page you are looking for. This report has referrer data in it and could help with what you are looking to do.
Level 10

Re: Landing Page Analytics Source

For tracking social media posts that take your visitors to your Marketo landing page, if you use Hootsuite, you can track the clicks for Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter posts, if that's what you use, but you have to set up the analytics there. It's easy.  But if it's just Twitter, you go to your account, click on the Advertiser link, logon with your username and password, and then you'll see the timeline analytics for the clicks on the upper left hand side.  

And I do what Jeff mentioned above for website tracking.