Per the suggestion of many, we have created a SFDC custom junction object to address our one-to-many account relationship within Salesforce outlined here. I am a little stuck on where to go next. I am now seeing contacts being pulled into smartlists when using filters that only match their secondary accounts, which is a good thing! But is the only way to access the various fields on that specific account by pulling all the fields into the junction object? Because if I then use an account filter it will revert back to grabbing from the primary... It basically feels like we are having to duplicate the account object as a custom object- and in that case why would it even NEED to be a junction object?
I am assuming the only path forward is mapping all of those to the junction object via a SDFC flow (since formula fields are a no-go for Marketo) but wanted confirmation on this before I ask a Salesforce admin to tackle it. Because it won't be pretty..I KNOW we already will have to do this for any custom object related to the account considering Marketo's "two objects deep" limitations. Oh all the field updates... 😞