Issue with paragraph breaks in email templates

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Issue with paragraph breaks in email templates

I've designed and coded an email template for my client. However, they're having issues with paragraph breaks being removed when they copy and paste their text into the visual editor. If they add their text into the HTML editor and add their breaks manually, the issue is resolved. However, they feel this is a clunky solution.

Is there something that can be added into the template itself to preserve these paragraph breaks within the visual editor? 

I'd appreciate any assitance or advice on this topic. Thanks!
Tags (1)
Level 10

Re: Issue with paragraph breaks in email templates

While creating the template, make sure that <td> must be editable instead of <p> tag.
Not applicable

Re: Issue with paragraph breaks in email templates

I've set the <div> tag as the editable section. Could that be the problem?
Level 10

Re: Issue with paragraph breaks in email templates

Making <div>tag editable won't create any problem but make sure your content must be in <p> tag.

Hope this will help.