Is it possible to hot link areas of an image in Marketo?

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Is it possible to hot link areas of an image in Marketo?

Is it possible to hot link areas of an image in Marketo? I am trying to hotlink areas of an already established form image, to map to a form I created in Marketo.

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Re: Is it possible to hot link areas of an image in Marketo?

I'm not sure I completely understand your use case.  Are you saying that you have an image of a Marketo form and when someone clicks on different parts of the image, it would go to the corresponding field in a Marketo form?  If so, this is not possible with the out-of-box functionality. 

You can only have one link per image, but you could create a composite of multiple images, to have the effect of one image with multiple links.  You may be able to tweak the Marketo form embed code to have sections (#) that the link could jump to.
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Re: Is it possible to hot link areas of an image in Marketo?

Sorry for the confusion.

I saw a form online that I liked, which has fields (that are apart of the image).

Just like in DreamWeaver, I wasn't sure if it was possible to upload the form image to Marketo, then be able to customize the image area's of the supposed fields, which could be link to a corresponding form created in Marketo.

I hope that is a little more clearer.

We're talking customization of a form image I pulled from online, being able to create hot spots on the supposed areas, which would have an output (code) to form fields created in Marketo.

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Re: Is it possible to hot link areas of an image in Marketo?

This is not possible in Marketo or any other marketing automation tool that I am aware of.