Is it possible to add a country filter on a Program Report?

Level 10

Is it possible to add a country filter on a Program Report?


I have created a report that lists the success of all my web content programs. The programs are collecting data from all over the world and they are split per asset and per language. I would like to narrow down results to a specific sales territory; however I don't see where I could add filters (except for tags - but this doesn't work for me here). Is that possible to see just a split of results?

Cécile @ Talend
Level 4

Re: Is it possible to add a country filter on a Program Report?

Hi Cécile,
If the tags can't work for you you might want to organise your programs in folders by country?
Level 3

Re: Is it possible to add a country filter on a Program Report?

Hi Cecile,

Another option would be to create smart lists for each country and deploy them from separate campaigns. This way you may keeps more organized and have a better view over the results. It requires more work though..
In order to keep things easier I would recommend building Smart lists for Regions (i.e.: APAC, EMEA, AMERICAS). 

Kind regards,
Level 10

Re: Is it possible to add a country filter on a Program Report?


the tags are not working because they are worldwide programs so basically region = multiple regions.
What I like about the program report is that I can have a quick overview of all my asset programs with number of members (=results across channels), success (=results for web) and number of net new leads (=results for web). If I start creating smart lists, I would not be able to narrow done by countries in my report right? I would have to go in every single program to check results per sales region. Am I correct?

Cécile @ Talend