Re: Is image mapping possible?

Not applicable

Is image mapping possible?

One image: multiple links. Possible? Perhaps with coordinates in an HTML element? Thanks!
Tags (1)
Level 10

Re: Is image mapping possible?

Yes, it's possible. Just drag and drop the HTML element and put your mapping code.

Not applicable

Re: Is image mapping possible?

Thanks so much! I'm not sure how to get started here, honestly. Can you point me to an example page, perhaps, so I can ascertain the correct syntax? And do you know of any tools for identifying coordinates for the mapping code?

thanks again!
Level 10

Re: Is image mapping possible?

You can drag and drop the HTML editor. Please use the below mentioned code for placing your image and mapping:-

<img src="planets.gif" width="145" height="126" alt="Planets" usemap="#planetmap">

<map name="planetmap">
  <area shape="rect" coords="0,0,82,126" href="sun.htm" alt="Sun">
  <area shape="circle" coords="90,58,3" href="mercur.htm" alt="Mercury">
  <area shape="circle" coords="124,58,8" href="venus.htm" alt="Venus">

And for the mapping coordinates you can use Dreamweaver.

Hope this will help.