Installed MSI 1.7 in Salesforce and on small screens there is no scroll bars and users can not send Marketo Emails

Level 1

Installed MSI 1.7 in Salesforce and on small screens there is no scroll bars and users can not send Marketo Emails

Installed MSI 1.7 in Salesforce and users with small screens are not able to send Marketo emails.  The Marketo Sales Insight section just gets cut off on the right side. Turning on scroll bars or changing size settings on the visual force page has no affect.

Marketo Employee

Re: Installed MSI 1.7 in Salesforce and on small screens there is no scroll bars and users can not send Marketo Emails

Hi there, here's a screen shot of the latest package with a small screen and I'm able to access the dota menu which has send Marketo option. Do you happen to have a screenshot of the issue you're running into?Screen Shot 2022-03-09 at 3.29.55 PM.png

Level 1

Re: Installed MSI 1.7 in Salesforce and on small screens there is no scroll bars and users can not send Marketo Emails

Thank you for replying. Turns out there were multiple page layouts  for different profiles and all of them needed the check box for scroll bars to be turned on.