Re: Improving the download confirmation page

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Improving the download confirmation page

Currently, after someone submits a form for gated content, the PDF will load in the same window. I'm recommending that we shift the experience to have the person land on a confirmation page with a link (which opens in a new tab), but also have other recommended content based on the asset they downloaded.

I'm curious how other people have managed this process. To give a bit of context, each one of our assets has its own program in MKTO, with smart campaigns to track conversions. The piece that I'm curious about is the best way to manage this at a high level -- I'd love to be able to have a master program, or couple programs, that leverage segmentations and tokens, but I just haven't gone too deep with that functionality.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

Level 10

Re: Improving the download confirmation page

Hi Trask,

From what I've seen so far, using Forms 2.0 there's not a way to manually set where the follow up page opens unless by using the Forms 2.0 API:
to change the form's target attribute (which determines where the follow-up page opens):

It would be a great feature if one could manually set the target using the Forms 2.0 editor.

Not applicable

Re: Improving the download confirmation page

Hey Grant, yeah, not a problem in my case, as this will be a link off of a landing page, rather than something that happens upon form submission.