how to sync lookup field to Marketo?

Level 4

how to sync lookup field to Marketo?

I want to create a lookup field in Lead object in SFDC.  The field will pull campaign name to the lead.

I've read some articles in the community and understood that I need to create a formula field, but not sure what the formula should be for the campaign name?  any idea?



Level 10

Re: how to sync lookup field to Marketo?

Hi Teresa,

Yes, the formula should bring back the campaign name. The lookup field it self will carry the campaign SFDC ID, although on SFDC user interface it displays the name.


Level 4

Re: how to sync lookup field to Marketo?

Hi Teresa,

Just a side comment, when it comes to Salesforce Formula and Lookup fields, the values displayed in these types of fields will not automatically sync down to Marketo when the displayed value changes.  The reason for this is due to the fact these two types of fields do not update the Salesforce systemmodstamp field on a record when the displayed value changes.  Marketo's integration relies on the timestamp for the systemmodstamp to change in order for it to review a record to see what values have changed.  The fields can still be synced with Marketo and utilized but understand that their value changes will not sync down until some other field on the record is updated, resulting in the systemmodstamp also updating.

Marketo Employee

Re: how to sync lookup field to Marketo?

I've seen some creative SFDC Admins implement a solution to update the systemmodstamp whenever the lookup field is updated so the value automatically syncs to Marketo.

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: how to sync lookup field to Marketo?

Teresa - Since a Lead can be associated to multiple campaigns what exactly does the formula need to do? Original campaign source? Most recent campaign? What are you looking to accomplish exactly?

Level 4

Re: how to sync lookup field to Marketo?

To make it more clear -- I want to be able to capture the latest and most relevant Campaign before we can set up a meeting with a lead.

Meeting Set is one of our Lead Status.  Inside Sales are calling down the campaign list and setting up meetings.  However, we don't have visibility as to which campaign actually converts lead to meeting.

What I'm doing now is to capture the latest "Most Recent Campaign" as the meeting source campaign.  I'm able to capture the "text" of the campaign name.  However, I want to be able to click on the campaign name and go to the campaign itself in SFDC.  Eventually, I'm building a related list in Campaign object to show how many meetings we were able to get thru this specific campaign.

I'm stuck with making the Campaign name in SFDC Lead Object linkable. 

I've created a text field in SFDC to show SFDC Campaign ID.  However, I'm not sure if there's a token in Marketo to populate the SFDC Campaign ID?

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: how to sync lookup field to Marketo?

Hi Teresa - if what you are looking for is literally to stamp a lookup field (hence give you a link and a related list) then you don't need a bunch of Marketo experts here, you need a Salesforce expert! Fortunately I have 10 of them working in my office .

What you would need here is an apex trigger that takes the last campaign value assigned to the lead and stamps it to that lookup field whenever they are added to a new campaign. You could also do this with Salesforce process builder, but I have it on good advice that this would start hitting Salesforce limits if you have a lot of campaigns that people are being added to, so the trigger would be the best way to go and much more reliable.

Level 10 - Champion Alumni

Re: how to sync lookup field to Marketo?

Oh and going back to your original question - no a formula field won't get the job done - and touching on what someone else alluded to, you want to avoid using formula fields anyway if this is something you need Marketo to update.

Level 2

Re: how to sync lookup field to Marketo?

Hi Veronica / Marketo team,

I have a related question (please let me know if I should create a new thread for this instead of replying here).

We have some lookup fields in Salesforce that we are trying to bring into Marketo. When they are synced in Marketo, they display as 15 digit IDs.

Is there any way for Marketo to read these Salesforce IDs as names/text values? That would prevent us from creating additional fields in Salesforce.

Thank you!

Marketo Employee

Re: how to sync lookup field to Marketo?

Hi Navin, there is no way for Marketo to convert the 15 digit ID into a marketing friendly value. You need to do it in SFDC. Thanks!