How to stop Demographic Scoring re-AQLing our Leads?

Level 2

How to stop Demographic Scoring re-AQLing our Leads?

Hi all,

We have a triggered program that listens out for changes in the fields that we want to demo score on and if it detects any, it does the following:

1) Clear Demo Score

2) Set Person Score = Behaviour Score

3) Run separate Smart campaigns that will add to both the Demo and Person score points based on the Demo fields (Industry, Job Title Etc.)

This works fine, but it is causing negative impact on lead routing.

Our scoring is based on 100 points Person Score (made up of up to 40 for Demo and 60+ for behavioural) sends a lead to inside sales.

Whilst the demo re-scoring is takes place, the score can drop to below the 100 point mark and can then go back up again to over 100.  For these case, the router will re-route as though it is a brand new AQL and will send some email notification, much to the annoyance of the Lead Owner, as this person has not done anything new.

How do I enable triggered Demo scoring whilst not affecting rerouting upon AQL in such manner?

Thanks in advance for any advice you might provide.


Level 2

Re: How to stop Demographic Scoring re-AQLing our Leads?

Hi Luben,

Could you add filters to the campaign that sends the alert to only send it if the person performed an activity in the past X period (filled out form OR opened email, ...)? This would prevent someone who has not done anything new to trigger an alert send to your sales team. Either that or a filter "behaviour score changed in the past X time".