How to add people to an engagement program from an email program

Level 2

How to add people to an engagement program from an email program

I wanted to test using an engagement program, but wanted to start small. We sent an email to a large number of leads, and had an engagement program set up so different link clicks put you in different streams within the engagement program. The problem is, when you set up the streams in the engagement program, the smart list for the transition requirements forces the person to already be a member of the engagement program. 

I know I can go back now that the email has sent and pull a smart list of clicked link in email and send these people to each stream of the engagement program, but I was trying to avoid manually doing this and thought it would work through the transitions rules trigger within the program. 

The question is: How do you add members to an engagement program from the start? 

Level 10

Re: How to add people to an engagement program from an email program

Hey Sophia,

To be clear: the email you sent isn't part of the engagement program, but clicking on it should make you a member of it?

You can set this up pretty easily with a single smart campaign with a trigger for clicks link in email (you may want to restrict this to a few specific links). You can then add them to the engagement program as a flow step. 

However, you'd likely want to handle your stream assignment here too, if your membership of program and assignment to stream trigger criteria is the same (transition rules only function as triggers, and can only be triggered on members - this current logic basically creates a race condition). A good way to do this would be by setting up lists based on links clicked, and then add choices in the "add to engagement program" flow step that say "if member of list X, add to stream A", and so on. 

Hope that helps.