Re: How Does Your Sales Team Use Sales Insight

Level 3

How Does Your Sales Team Use Sales Insight

Hi All,

I'm curious to learn more about your process with Marketing and Sales regarding sales insight? I find that a lot of my reps are wanting me to blast their leads with "personal" emails on top of what Marketing already sends. I receive the complaint that Sales Insight limits them to only 200 per blast, which is true. However, as a marketing person, I understand that we don't need to hit our leads multiple times with the same message said in multiple different ways in one week. How do you or would you deal with this type of scenario? I want to be helpful but I also have to make sure I'm doing all the million other things I have to get done. Any insight is appreciated.

Thank you!

Level 3

Re: How Does Your Sales Team Use Sales Insight

Most of our reps who report success with it like it in two ways - first, the ability to see whatever marketing has sent, including several performance report types we send. The second is we use the request campaign functionality to load people into nurture tracks marketing has premade for follow-ups for conferences/webinars to allow further qualification.

That being said, it'd be good to explain to your reps why blasting groups of over 200 on a regular basis on top of the marketing cadences is a really easy way to get marked as spamming.

Level 3

Re: How Does Your Sales Team Use Sales Insight

Hi Oliver,

Thanks for the response. Can you expand on this request campaign functionality? Right now, we have a Google Form we use for special templates the team would like. 

Level 3

Re: How Does Your Sales Team Use Sales Insight

Hi Christian,

Request campaign is a marketo functionality to have a trigger campaign requested through MSI, which can then add people to nurtures or take other actions, it's not part of the marketing functionality for creating new campaigns, see here -

Level 3

Re: How Does Your Sales Team Use Sales Insight

I think you're asking specifically about Sales Insight templates, and sales should be able to send these from your CRM rather than have you send them if you publish to Sales Insight. In the past I've used templates as a great way to enable the sales team to promote new content, invite to events, and reach out to their prospects with specific messaging. We used them as a marketing type message that looks like a one to one email. It was much more of a sales enablement tactic than a marketing tactic. Sales liked sending the templates because it saves them time with their outreach and they could send 200 emails at once. Marketing liked them because we had more control over the messaging and we had visibility into the email metrics.

Level 3

Re: How Does Your Sales Team Use Sales Insight

Thank you Chelsea! This is exactly what we do now but I still struggle with them wanting me to mass blast our entire database with the personalized emails. This is on top of the marketing messages we already send. I'm not sure how to explain that it doesn't make sense for us to send marketing blasts and then for me to also mass blast all of their databases with more emails that look like they came from each sales person. Does that make sense?

Level 9 - Champion Alumni

Re: How Does Your Sales Team Use Sales Insight

Our team heavily uses it. They actually love sales insight and as we're moving to Lightning, I'm struggling with how to get them the capability to still mass send. We set up templates for them that are 90% what they would want to send and do allow them to customize. We scared it into them to not send more than 50 at a time, but I'm lucky enough to have sales managers that will back us on that call. They love the fact that they can send the emails through it and then go back to see if someone has opened the email or not. 

I'm also in the process of working with one of our sales groups to create templates based on their content to sales insight as well. Right now, we have reps that will use a word doc or create it as a basic email signature for the emails they send at various stages of the cycle. They're the same emails each time, so we're creating them as a template with steps in front of them (stage 1 email 1: intro, stage 1 email 2: request info, stage 2 email 1, etc.) which will allow them to just go down the process. (Naming convention TBD on our end! But that's their request on how to name them.) It will also help them control what the new reps are sending out with this being a way to educate them on what to send when. Then we have reports in Marketo that we share with the managers monthly showing which reps have sent what emails and the basic stats for their regions.

Level 3

Re: How Does Your Sales Team Use Sales Insight

Hi Amber,

Thanks for the feedback. What do you mean content to Sales Insight? create templates based on their content to sales insight as


Right now we have a request form that we have them fill out so I can create templates for them to send via SFDC but recently I'm being asked to create the emails and mass blast on their behalf. In my previous experience sales would only blast the super qualified people not mass blast everyone.  What all reports do you pull in marketo that you send to managers?

Level 6

Re: How Does Your Sales Team Use Sales Insight

Our team uses it primarily for informing their conversations and understanding the person's marketing activities. I like Oliver Zosel‌'s mention of entering leads/contacts into marketing-defined nurtures from Sales Insights.

Are there any themes to the types of email requests you're getting from Sales? As in, they feel like there isn't enough marketing coverage? Or they're having a hard time adequately and efficiently reaching out to all their leads? Or is there a specific lead stage they're getting stuck at? That may help you lead you to a solution that doesn't require you to create a bunch of one-off emails for them, but instead integrate a personal sales outreach as part of your strategy that they can follow-up on. Outside of that, I'd argue that if you're providing your sales team with several Sales Insights templates that you can track and measure (and that they use) then you're being helpful.

They (your Sales team) may also want to look into sales automation tools.

Level 3

Re: How Does Your Sales Team Use Sales Insight

Hi Carrie,

That is my ultimate goal - to create marketing-defined nurtures. For whatever reason before I came on board they were turned off and I'm not sure why. A lot of my reps have the same templates that they can send via SFDC that I think can be sent on an automation. The one-offs are mostly reactive to business needs, which gets tough because I don't believe in blasting everyone.