How do I update a demographic label without updating the score?

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How do I update a demographic label without updating the score?

One of the demographics we score on is Job Type. We decided to change the label of one of Job Types we use in our standard drop down list. The lead has obviously been scored once already with the old label, so I want to just update the label for the 632 leads with that Job Type without double dipping on the score that's already been added. 

Any ideas?


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Re: How do I update a demographic label without updating the score?

Yes.  Do a one time flow and call it "data normalization" or something like that.  It can be a one time run to change the label matching the criteria you're looking for.  Then you can add this step to your flow next time you do this so it does it automatically after changing the score.  I did this for lead reassignment (data normalization) and it worked like a charm.  I also did this to deduct a score for 10,000 leads I mistakenly added a score to twice.
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Re: How do I update a demographic label without updating the score?

Thank you, Sherry!