How do I ensure that someone who unsubscribes in one workspace doesn't get unsubscribed in all?

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How do I ensure that someone who unsubscribes in one workspace doesn't get unsubscribed in all?


We have a number of workspaces set up in our Marketo system. Each workspace is used for one particular brand of travel that we provide. A person could possibly be signed up to receive emails from all brands, if they wanted to. Right now it appears that if a person is signed up to receive emails from multiple brands and unsubscribes from one brand's communications, they become unsubscribed from all other brands' communications that they are receiving. Does anyone know if there is a way to prevent them from being unsubbed from all brands' communications?

Thank you,


Level 9

Re: How do I ensure that someone who unsubscribes in one workspace doesn't get unsubscribed in all?

It's not so much the workspace, but the partition and subscription.

Your lead is a member of many workspaces but there is only one email address inside your entire Marketo subscription. Even if you had many partitions, by default you'd have only one lead per subscription (the lead wouldn't be in multiple partitions, only one).

You could, in theory, allow purposeful duplicates so that you could have a partition for each workspace, and allow the lead to be a duplicate in each partition - this would solve your problem of unsubscription but would no doubt cause other conceptual headaches.

Given that this is a less than optimal solution, you will probably have to create some unsubscribe-lite fields that correspond to each workspace. Ie, when someone unsubscribes you don't update the lead to 'unsubscribed = true' (you ignore that), you update 'unsubscribed from workspace A = true". It's easier said than done to be honest but it's pretty doable. You'll need to remember to include these rules inside your smart campains when deploying emails.

Level 10

Re: How do I ensure that someone who unsubscribes in one workspace doesn't get unsubscribed in all?

Hi Laura Kimball​,

Are the brands completely different and separate from each other? Could the unsubscribe page contain their preferences for all brands and ask them to unsubscribe from whichever mailings they no longer want to receive. So rather than hitting the unsubscribe button they would be checking the boxes for which subscription they don't want instead.

