It should be noted that I would not be asking this question IF:
1. There existed information in the Courses section on creating & modifying content blocks
2. I could find something related to creating & configuring content blocks, when I search "content block" in the "ask a question" search bar.
Since there is either no information published on creating & modifying content blocks, or such information is hidden in obscurity,
I ask my question:
How do I create a new Content Block in Design Studio?
And I issue recommendations to Marketo:
1. Include information on creating content blocks within your Email Program tutorial video. Not including information on how to set up and configure content blocks is a huge fail.
The video shows the user going into a content block, but not how they created one! Definitely leaving a step out. I suggest QAing your video tutorials with focus groups of new customers.
2. Make information on how to create & configure Content Blocks easily accessible... this is one of the building foundations of your entire SAAS: Design Studio > Content Blocks. Hugely important.