How did you take advantage of Marketo's office hours?

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How did you take advantage of Marketo's office hours?

We're halfway through our launch pack and I'm starting to meet with our Marketo consultant. I'm also tapping into the Community and am reading some documentation from Marketo and third parties. I haven't done an office hour but it sounds like I should take advantage. 

When you were starting out, did you do office hours and how did you use them? What would you recommend to a newbie?

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Re: How did you take advantage of Marketo's office hours?

You should definitely take advantage of the office hours! I found them to be helpful, but I also found that I had to drive the discussions. 

I got the most value out of them when I showed up with an agenda - a list of the things I'd done in Marketo that I wanted reviewed so we could tweak them if there was a better way, a list of questions on videos, and things I wanted to do that I just wanted a more experience set of eyes watching over my shoulder as I did them (ie - sending out my first campaign). 

Hope that helps, and welcome to Marketo! 🙂
Level 4

Re: How did you take advantage of Marketo's office hours?

Agreed. They were somewhere between consulting and the support line. I am having trouble finding good hours for East Coast office hours though - is anyone else?