Re: How can I stop Marketo from fixing my HTML?

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How can I stop Marketo from fixing my HTML?


I am a front-end developer and I spent the past week coding a responsive design for our email template. I am in the process of adding in all necessary Tokens. However, Marketo changes my HTML once I uploaded it. There has to be a way to stop this. The HTML is tested on many devices, with Litmus, and I want it to be sent EXACTLY the way I coded it. How can I do that?

What I currently do is: Edit the draft -> replace the HTML -> paste my HTML in -> and here already I see the messup, and once I replace the HTML again, I see that my code has been changed.

Please help.
Thank you,
Tags (1)
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Re: How can I stop Marketo from fixing my HTML?

What exactly is it changing? When I've pasted HTML in via the replace button, I've never seen it change what I added.
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Re: How can I stop Marketo from fixing my HTML?

1) Marketo adds a doctype. I don't want that to happen, since my markup is not very doctype-clean in order to make it appear right on a range of devices and clients
2) Marketo moves a token that contains an ad banner from the bottom of the mail to the top, for no apparent reson. Now I have two banners on top of my mail.
3) Marketo removes and moves table row and table cell closing tags.

All this shouldn't happen.
Level 10

Re: How can I stop Marketo from fixing my HTML?

Create a new email template and paste your custom HTML there instead of pasting your code in an individual email itself. 
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Re: How can I stop Marketo from fixing my HTML?

This is not working. Marketo applies the same changes to the code I pasted in the template.