Hey Steven,
Ian from Vidyard here - thanks for the shout out. The Unbounce article you referenced is from 2011. Great to see that our content keeps paying dividends. During the 2011 era, there was a big push to get B2B marketers started with video. Jon Mills posted this great blog post early in the year: http://blog.marketo.com/blog/2011/02/how-to-optimize-your-b2b-marketing-and-sales-with-online-video.html
Since 2011, B2B marketers have taken things to a while new level with the scale and distribution of video content. When we are working within the Marketo community, so much of the focus can be on
lead generation or
lead scoring that we sometimes forget the
I would love to put together a post outlining:
1. Engagement on landing pages (time spent on page):
Another 2011 article by Unbounce: http://unbounce.com/landing-page-articles/the-benefits-of-using-video-on-landing-pages/
2. Video placement on landing pages (design styles):
Here are 38 examples: http://www.switchvideo.com/resources/video-landing-page-examples/
3. Email click through rates with video:
Some good brainstorming ideas for when to use video in email are listed here: http://www.constantcontact.com/learning-center/hints-tips/ht-2011-03b.jsp