How are tags and channels related to Program

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How are tags and channels related to Program

How are tags and channels related to Program 
Tags (1)
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Re: How are tags and channels related to Program

Tags are a way of grouping your data for reporting purposes. These identifiers provide the ability to categorize data and define how you want to report on your Event, which is a type of Program, in order to understand its effectiveness and ROI.
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A Channel in Marketo represents atype of marketing activity (e.g. Blog, Online Advertising, Tradeshow, Webinar, etc.) and Marketo requires that a channel type be assigned to all Programs (and Events, which are a type of Program). You have the ability to assign Progression statuses to channels and determine which Progression status triggers a Success action for a specific channel type.
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Re: How are tags and channels related to Program

using getChannels method we get tag types and all data. How are they related to program data and where we can view this on Marketo UI
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Re: How are tags and channels related to Program

Tags and channels are primarily used in the "Setup" tab of Programs and Events in the Marketo UI.

The article "Add & Manage Tags" referenced above features an excellent video explaining the use in details: Tagging Programs and Events
Trying to understand Programs, Events, Tags and Channels from the API standpoint is going to be difficult.

I would suggest learning the application fundamentals which would give you a solid foundation and a solid foundation to use the API effectively. The tutorial "Build. Test & Launch an Email Program" is definitively an excellent resource.