Re: help with nurture campaign

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help with nurture campaign

I've had marketo for a while but don't use it that often so I need help setting up this nurture campaign. 
Here is the flow I want to use. 0EM50000000QGcI.jpg
Can I do this all in one flow? Frankly I don't even know where to start. 
For example, I can't find a way to do: IF email was NOT opened, WAIT 1 week and then resend. BUT IF email WAS opened and there was no click thru to the landing page then wait 24 hours and assign a SFDC task.
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Re: help with nurture campaign

If you put all this in one flow you run the risk of errors and not knowning where the flow breaks down. (think Xmas tree lights).

Best to use multiple smart campaigns for specific flows so you can report on.
The 'Request Contact' path, is this a link on the LP or a form?

On your email flow step you can add the constraint did not click and specify the link or use any link.

I would also create several static lists to push members into when they have taken the action or not so that they trigger your next flow paths. This way each child smart campign you can report on sepratly on how well its performing then use a seprate child smart campaign for you Program progressions.