I'm wondering if anyone can help with this. We are trying to implement a round robin campaign within Marketo.
My understanding is that in Marketo, fields values are specific to an individual contact (e.g., lead.SOME_VALUE). We are looking for a way to have a field apply globally (e.g., system.SOME_VALUE). We would like this funcitonality so that all campaigns can read the value of system.SOME_VALUE and take action based on what is contained in the field and update the field.
Smart Campaign Example
1. campaign called
2. read system.SOME_VALUE (e.g. system.SOME_VALUE = 2)
3. if system.SOME_VALUE = max, change system.SOME_VALUE = 1, "else do nothing"
4. if system.SOME_VALUE = 50, request campaign 50
5. if system.SOME_VALUE = 49, request campaign 49
53. if system.SOME_VALUE = 1, request campaign 1
54. change data value system.SOME_VALUE to system.SOME_VALUE +1 (e.g., system.SOME_VALUE = 3)
55. await next call ...
Maybe it's not a "system.%" field but maybe "global.%" or "campaign.%". I was hoping to use a token for this but tokens are fixed and cannot be updated programatically. Any advice is greatly appreciated.