Getting a list of who is in a smart list before the campaign runs

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Getting a list of who is in a smart list before the campaign runs

Once I build a smart list, is there a way to view is members prior to running the campaign?  I want to see the list even before I finish setting up the other steps in the smart campaign.

Not applicable

Re: Getting a list of who is in a smart list before the campaign runs

Hi Leigh,

There are two ways to do that. You either click on 'View campaign members' and then you switch from the 'Campaign members' tab to the 'Qualified leads' tab or, you go to the 'Schedule' tab in your smart campaign and you click the link with the number of people who would qualify if you were to run the campaign. That is a direct link to your list of leads.

Hope this helps!

Mihaela B

Marketo Employee

Re: Getting a list of who is in a smart list before the campaign runs

Likewise, you can create a smartlist of the criteria and then in your SC just call "Member of Smart List."

This is especially helpful if you plan to reuse the logic.

Robb Barrett