Forwarded email form prefills

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Forwarded email form prefills

Quick question (I haven't physically encountered this issue yet and need an answer):  If an email that links to a contact form is forwarded, does the lead information for the "send to" lead follow the email or does the form render for the new (forwarded to) lead clean (no contact information pre-filled). 

Thanks a ton!
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Re: Forwarded email form prefills

It will be pre-filled with the original leads information.  

Thus we recommend using the forward to a friend feature that you can read up on here: 
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Re: Forwarded email form prefills

I've used the Forward to a Friend.  It's great. 

I just tested the email forward to myself and I noticed that the pre-fill data was different for the email I opened from my Gmail account versus what was sent to my company email.  It appears that the form is filling based on my email address, because the data in the form is not the lead I sent the original email to.
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Re: Forwarded email form prefills

Kinda of a piggy back question....we have a preference center link in all our emails. I dropped in the JavaScript code to auto populate the lead's email address. When it does that, it also checks all the programs that they are opted-in to. (We used True/False fields as the different programs someone can be signed up for and then there is a global unsubscribe link at the bottom). 

If the email is forwarded along and the 'send to' lead opens the preference center, will they see the original lead's email address or a blank preference center? 

Does that make sense? 
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Re: Forwarded email form prefills

Chris: It could be that your cache/cookies are showing what it recognizes based on what you've filled out.  The best way to test this out would be to keep clearing your cache/cookies so that nothing is stored.  

Clear the cache/cookies and visit the landing page with the form directly to ensure that no pre-population is ocurring.  Then, click on the shared link to the landing page to display the pre-filled information.  

Amber: Unfortunately I won't be able to speak to the custom JavaScript that was added.  However, in regards to how Marketo tracking works, anytime a link is being shared, it will be pre-populated with that lead's informaiton.  Considering there is some third party software or custom code, I'd recommend testing it out.