Fixed time-zones on the Calendar File token...

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Fixed time-zones on the Calendar File token...

I've just noticed that the time-zone on the Calendar File token can't be changed. Ours is fixed to EST, I'm creating a page for Malaysia and my Outlook is set to GMT, so testing it is a bit of a headache!

Any plans to develop this so that it allows you to choose a timezone for the event?

A dropdown of timezones would be super helpful : )

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Re: Fixed time-zones on the Calendar File token...

Not applicable

Re: Fixed time-zones on the Calendar File token...

Good call Kim, just voted, thanks for the link : )
Not applicable

Re: Fixed time-zones on the Calendar File token...

Great Idea!
Level 4

Re: Fixed time-zones on the Calendar File token...

Could the token be converted to match the time zone selected in the recipient's browser preferences? The webinars I produce span multiple time zones, and though selecting one would add welcome flexability, not as much as I actually need.