Extracting the file from MArketo - How to check if we have hit the daily export limit

Level 5

Extracting the file from MArketo - How to check if we have hit the daily export limit

We are extracting the files from MArketo for CRM sync, so question is:

How to check the daily export limit and while extracting the files, is there a way we can see how much limit is still remaining?

For example: if the export limit is 500 MB, when we run the script to export the files, how will i check if 300 MB is done and 200MB remaining

Abhishek Chandra
Level 3

Re: Extracting the file from MArketo - How to check if we have hit the daily export limit

@Abhishek_Chand2 the docs say you should be able to see the current day's usage:


You can determine the total amount of disk used for a the current day by calling Get Export Lead/Activity/Program Member Jobs.  These endpoints return a list of all jobs in the past 7 days.  You can filter that list down to just the jobs that completed in the current day (using status and finishedAt attributes).  Then then sum the file sizes for those jobs to produce the total amount used.  There is no way to delete a file to reclaim disk space.


Ref: https://developers.marketo.com/rest-api/bulk-extract/