Exporting Field Values to 3rd Party

Level 7

Exporting Field Values to 3rd Party

We host events where we gather different information for registration such as tshirt, jacket or flight details. This information is then sent to our travel agent who helps us with booking travel information for our attendees.

He is not in Marketo, nor should he be, however we do want to find a way to easily get him the information so that he can keep track of the details he has for each person with minimal effort on his part or our part. AKA, we want to automate it all.

In the past, we used Eventbrite and I was able to then link the responses to Zapier which would populate a Google Doc that he could access and edit with all of the information.

I know that Marketo doesn't sync with Google Docs, however is there a similar setup that I could do with Marketo? The only thing I could think of was that, with every RSVP, he would get an email that has all of the details from the form, however that wouldn't allow the data to be easily exported to a different spreadsheet. The email idea also isn't scalable because sometimes we have 500 people's RSVPs to deal with.

I know we can set up a smart list of people who RSVP'd, however that still takes too much work on our team's part to get them into the editable spreadsheet.

Any and all suggestions would be much appreciated.

Level 7

Re: Exporting Field Values to 3rd Party

Hi Rachel,

You now have the ability to subscribe your travel agent to the smart list. This will send out an automated email to him as a csv file. Will that solve your problem?

Level 7

Re: Exporting Field Values to 3rd Party

Hey Ashley. Yeah, I thought about that as a possibility, however we would still have to take the data from that list and copy/paste into the communal spreadsheet. Basically, sending around Excel/CSV files to edit leads to too many errors with the versions and the exported spreadsheets wouldn't contain any updated information from our travel agent's side.

I guess mostly I'm just being picky and hoping that someone has a solution for syncing some Marketo data over to Google Docs which is the best solution I've found for live updates on spreadsheets. If there was a different option other than Google Docs that would allow multiple people to update the same spreadsheet at once, as well as sync with Marketo, I'd be open to exploring it.

Level 7

Re: Exporting Field Values to 3rd Party

Hi Rachel, I have never done this but came across this document by Elixiter and not sure if this will be useful. It talk about only able to use this for static lists so you can add people to the a static list when they qualify for the smart list.


Also looks like there are some other services that might help you. Like

Connect Marketo to Google Docs | itDuzzit

Integrate Google Sheets with Marketo | Cloudpipes

Good luck.

Level 7

Re: Exporting Field Values to 3rd Party

Thanks Ashley! I will look into these links.