Engagement Program Standard Metrics Setup

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Re: Engagement Program Standard Metrics Setup

I'm going to clarify a couple of points here in bullet form:

1.  Engagement Score takes 72 hours to calculate, whether it's a program or an email in the stream
2.  We cannot calculate the unsubscribe rate for an email inside of a program at this time.  This is an enhancement.  So it is not in error that you see 0%
3.  Programs give you more control over when to send a piece of content again or not - if you add a piece of content to a stream, and it already has members, then if the lead is a member already, it will skip it.  If there are no members, then it looks at whether or not the lead ran through it.  If you use the same program across multiple streams, it will not send the content more than once.

Hope this helps clarify!
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Re: Engagement Program Standard Metrics Setup

Thanks for the clarification. Glad to hear the missing unsubscribe % isn't an error.

Grant, I chose to use non-local programs for the very reason that Cheryl's #3 addresses. Since I may have content used in conjunction with other channels, like display advertising, I don't want a lead that originally came into my system by downloading Whitepaper A to enter nurture only to then be served Whitepaper A again. I also keep my nurture content in non-local programs so I can try different email messaging with the same content safely. I can verify the skip mechanic works beautifully in this scenario. 
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Re: Engagement Program Standard Metrics Setup


We're on the same page re non-local content. That's exactly the reason I structured it that way as well.

Thanks all!

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Re: Engagement Program Standard Metrics Setup

2.  We cannot calculate the unsubscribe rate for an email inside of a program at this time.  This is an enhancement.  So it is not in error that you see 0%.

Has this just been fixed? I haven't seen any unsubscribe numbers until five minutes ago. But now they are there:


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Re: Engagement Program Standard Metrics Setup

No we didn't.  Do you have a standalone email in the stream as well?  Can you send me a link to the program?
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Re: Engagement Program Standard Metrics Setup

Ah, standalone... Yes, all emails in my stream are standalone. Sorry, didn't read carefully enough. So the missing metrics apply only to emails sent from programs within the engagement program, right?

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Re: Engagement Program Standard Metrics Setup

Great thread. I too use stand alone programs for the same reasons. But I have an additional problem I'm trying to overcome. It concerns this statement:

3.  Programs give you more control over when to send a piece of content again or not - if you add a piece of content to a stream, and it already has members, then if the lead is a member already, it will skip it.

We do monthly webinars as part of our nurture program. I want to add more than one invitation for my webinar into the engagement stream. So my stream may look like this:

Week 1: Webinar invitation
Week 2: Whitepaper content
Week 3: 2nd Webinar invitation
Week 4: Blog article  
(And so on...)

So my question is, what would be a safe way to send a second (or 3rd) webinar invitation within one stream to those who didn't respond the first time within the stream? Again, these webinars are intended to be part of our ongoing nurture program. I want to:
  1. Prevent the stream from not skipping a member with the second invitation since they would have become a member of the [external] program from the intial send.
  2. Only send it to those who didn't respond (register) the first time. 
Is this possible to do in one stream in conjunction with an external program?


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Re: Engagement Program Standard Metrics Setup


I don't have a definitive answer to your question, but I suppose that this won't work.

Let's see if I have understood your setup: 

You have a webinar program in Marketo. This program contains of emails (at least 3, I guess), landing page(s) and smart campaigns. And in order to send an invitation for that webinar from your Engagement Program you have a smart campaign in your webinar program that you have dragged&dropped into your Engagement program. This smart campaign looks something like this:


This is how you would send one invitation, isn't it?

Now what you can do to achieve your 2) is to add a condition to the flow step that says exclude all registrants for the webinar. Like this:


So far so good. But 1) is difficult, I think. You can't add two emails from the same program to a stream and you can't add two smart campaigns from the same program to a stream. So what you would have to do is to add a smart campaign to the Engagement Program that contains the sending of two (or three) emails like:

Flow1: Send Email 1
Flow 2: Wait until day webinar date minus 1
Flow 3: Send Email 2

But with a flow like that you'd defeat the purpose of the engagement program with its set cadence. So the things I don't know are: Can you actually enter wait steps into smart campaigns inside of Engagment Programs and how do they interfere with the cadence of the stream?

What you could be doing is have invitation 1 and invitation 2 for your webinar in different programs. But nobody would want to do that, I guess.

I myself have added live webinar invitations to Engagement programs in the described way (Cheers to the "Edit Availability" option in streams) , but I haven't found a way of adding an invitation #2. 

Hope this is - maybe only a little bit - helpful.

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Re: Engagement Program Standard Metrics Setup


You are spot on in your understanding of my delema. And you are confirming my suspicions.

In my testing, however, I did find one thing that worked (for one scenerio). I added an invitation by dragging in an invitation email from the program. Next, I pulled in a campaign from the program just as you outlined above. I tested on two email addresses. When I got the emails, I openned one email and one I did not. The one that I openned, as expected, I did not receive the second invitation. But for the one I did not open, I received the second invitation. I believe it's because the address I did not open email was not added to the program as a member.

This seems to be one way to re-invite those who don't open the first email (or any), but it really is not the holistic solution we are looking for. 

In any case, the search continues. Thanks for your detailed response.

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Re: Engagement Program Standard Metrics Setup

Hi all,

Very interesting topic! And I have some issue to post here. 

I lauched an engagement program with local programs in there. I launched one smart campaign which tracks overall engagement program success and another campaign which tracks activitities (e.g. clicks in emails) I defined as successes for local programs. I launched local programs success tracking campaign several casts after the main success tracking campaign and collected previous success with batch campaign. 

Now that's what I see in the program dashboard: 

 At the same time overall program status is reflected correctly:


I saw that local programs successes are calculated correctly and have such numbers as 466, 1066 and others 

Why the program dashboard doesn't reflect correct score and only 90 for each cast? 

Thank you,