Engagement program & smart campaigns

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Engagement program & smart campaigns

Hi Community--

I just tried dragging two different smart campaigns that live under the same local program within an engagement program, but Marketo did not allow me to do this. It said that I cannot have "duplicate" content in the same stream.

Is this correct? That I can only drag ONE smart campaign per program into a stream?

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Re: Engagement program & smart campaigns

The use case is the following:

For our nurturing, if a lead did not click on an email that we sent, we would wait 7 days and then resend another copy of the email to that lead.

I'm setting up smart campaigns in order to achieve this logic within engagement program. Smart campaigns allow us to add choices into the flow steps, in this case "Not Clicked Link in Email", and it also allows us to send emails outside of our cadence timeline.

Would we have to create a different program for each email send, if we wanted to achieve what I described above?
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Re: Engagement program & smart campaigns

hoi Hoi, I think what happens is that the Smart List checks Program membership to determine if it should run. If you add two campaigns from the same program you're technically not possible to qualify for the second one, so it gives you an error. You can add multiple emails from the same program, so you can add an email to the stream as normal, then a smart campaign underneath for the next week's cast. It would give those leads who did click in an email a week off, and others a second copy.

But if you take a step back and think about it again. Is sending the same email a second time even effective? If they didn't respond the first time, why would a 2nd copy of the same email be any different? Why not rework your program, being sure to use tokens, to create two versions of the same email. Make them look a bit different, make the call to action different. Then use tokens to drop in the content, links, etc. Then use the campaign to send the 2nd version if they didn't respond to the first.  
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Re: Engagement program & smart campaigns

Hey Adam--

Thanks for responding!

So to be clear, if they didn't click on our first send, the second send will have different copy, etc. But the offer would still be the same. I do think there is merit in resending the email with different copy/design because the lead may have just been on vacation or saw the first email but forgot about it because he had to go to a meeting--there are many reasons why someone didn't engage with an email that don't necessarily have anything to do with whether or not the content was engaging to them.

In terms of using tokens, I'm not entirely sure I understand what you're describing. Using tokens is different from using dynamic content, correct? I'm not sure how tokens would help us here. How would we use tokens to let Marketo know to send version A vs. version B based on whether they clicked on the email?

Also, our cadence timeline is the following:
1. Send Email 1
2. Wait 7 days
3. If did not click on Email 1, Send Email 1a.
4. Wait 14 days
5. Send Email 2
6. Wait 7 days
7. If did not click on Email 2, Send Email 2a.
8. Wait 14 days

So, in terms of how I was going to set it up in the engagement model, I was planning on doing the following:

Cast 1:
"Send Email 1" Smart Campaign
1. Send Email 1
2. Wait 7 days
3. If did not click on Email 1, Send Email 1a
Cast 2:
"Send Email 2" Smart Campaign
1. Send Email 2
2. Wait 7 days
3. If did not click on Email 2, Send Email 2a

The stream cadence would be every 3 weeks.
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Re: Engagement program & smart campaigns

Yea, what you're suggesting will work as you suggested it. 

I just tokens a lot, so I don't have to make that 2nd email. Just make the two templates, add in tokens for descriptions & links, and then you have two emails built, not just one. 
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Re: Engagement program & smart campaigns

Hi Hoi,

You cannot add two campaigns from the same program in the same stream. What you can do is create a new stream that if people don't engage with your asset then they move streams where you CAN reference two separate campaigns even if they are in the same program.

A complicated way to do this is to create an additional program that now houses your second version of the email and reference that program. You will need backend campaigns that add people as members to your second program to supress those who may have engaged with your asset.

If you are just using emails then you can clone the email and the second one will be considered a whole new asset.
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Re: Engagement program & smart campaigns

Hi Hoi,

I'm looking to do the same type of casting and was wondering how you resolved this issue. I understand that it was quite some time ago, but any help would be appreciated!